Wednesday , 26 March 2025


All the pictures, videos and games shown on are the property of their respective owners. We don’t hold any copyright about mentioned content.

All the pictures, videos and games contained on were collected from different public sources, including different websites, considered to be in public domain. makes every attempt possible to source the artist or photographer, but sometimes cannot find the exact information. We respect the work of others, that is why we always try to put a link to the source where images were found. The links of the sites that own author’s rights and/or public domains where the content was collected are indicated above each post right before the comment section.

If you have recognized one of your photos, videos or other from the content on that is in violation of copyright law, please email us. According to your request we will find way to arrange the conflict situation.

We find images from the Web that are covered under Fair Use and believed to belong in the public domain.

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